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Monday, April 11, 2011

Google Nexus S

The highlights of the Nexus S, then, include the following:
superb geek kudos as it’s only the second phone in history to be a ‘Pure Android’ phone officially commissioned and sanctioned by Google;
guaranteed to always be ahead of every other Android phone, as it will be the first device to get any new version of Android (and with so many different versions being released this year, that’s going to be a major plus – just ask Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 owners, who never got past version 2.1 before Sony Ericsson stopped releasing updates!)
the first phone in the world to get Google Android Gingerbread, letting you see what the new OS has to offer right now – months before your friends do;
unique curved screen that looks beautiful and has no equivalent on any other phone;
NFC chip for contactless payments built-in, letting you use the Nexus S as your mobile wallet;
two cameras let you take great photos with the 5 megapixel rear camera (complete with flash and auto-focus!) or make video calls with the front facing 1.3 megapixel camera;
precision motion-control sensors with unique three-axis gyroscope built-in;
take great quality videos at 720p HD at 30 frames per second;
store your entire music and video library onboard with its 16GB of memory built-in;
blistering preformance thanks to the Samsung 1GHz Hummingbird chip and the optimized and streamlined Android Gingerbread code (the benefit of running a pure Android phone means no delay caused by a custom user interface).
make free phone calls that the networks can’t stop using the Nexus S’s built-in SIP app (which works using VoIP, and is similar in operation to Skype);
turn the Nexus S into a mobile WiFi hotspot and use it to connect up to five other devices to the Internet.
the fastest Web browser of any mobile, complete with full Flash 10.1, HTML 5 and pinch-touch zooming

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